Thursday, 28 January 2010

FCP Briefing

Today we were briefed on what our FCP team came up with for Kickers.

Basically their ideas were to -

-Create more innovative Point of sales
-Use technology to target ‘tech savy’ generation
-Encourage customisation
-Bring back 90’s retro

Were now just deciding what to take from this as we have to follow with a communication strategy when we present to Kickers in a few weeks!

Here are some of the visuals and their chosen opinion former Amy:

Jade x

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Blog research

So I've been trying to find blogs which mention the Kickers name and so far haven't found much although did manage to get this one:

Interesting to see that people are mentioning them on fashion blogs.

Another one I found was this:

Pretty good stuff to say about them "Kickers Shoes have a deserved reputation for being comfortable and stylish, they also seem to find their place whatever the current fashion trend."
That page has been tweeted about as well...

ALSO I just found these... and I actually really like them! Could totally have seen myself wearing them when I was 16/17 cos those are exaclty they kinds of shoes I loved at that age.

Just some ideas!


Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Lets sing off the competiton!

Iv just been doing a little bit of internet surfing.... and Kickers just arent keeping up with the competition!!!

Dr Martens have their very own Band Hero boots. And there pretty cool!

So you can pick your own pair of customized boots on the game and then if you really want to you can go out and actually buy the same pair! Kickers take note.
This sort of priceless advertising for Dr Martens is really the kind of thing Kickers needs to get involed with to become cool again and shake off the negative image they have currently. Everyone wants to wear something so they will be one of the cool kids so watch this space and see what we can help Kickers come up with!
Jade x